Go Crusaders! So it's pretty cool cause the Crusaders won the state Volleyball Tournament and now girls and boys basketball is starting so yeah. GO CRUSADERS!
Wow this is a really weird post and I really don't know why I"m doing it except yeah. But the point is that Hott Khocolate is pretty Awesome! Oh and I need to get a camera cause I like don't have any pictures.
Hot Chocolate is pretty much like the best drink ever. It's so good especially if you put like coffe syrups in there and stuff it's A-mazing! So yeah if you put syrup put either Peppermint or Huckleberry cause those are the best in my opinion. Oh I'm always going to predict that someone is gonna make a joke about this post of course now they won't cause I said it but yeah.
Hey guys yeah I haven't posted on here in a while so yup and I don't have any pics cause I don't have a camera. So we had our first basketball practice today and like we went spent like a quarter of the practice streching which is dumb cause you can spend doing that time. My belief about streching is that you get there like five or ten minutes early and strech out not spend 30 minutes of practice time streching. Also Will said he didn't know if he was gonna play or not; which is bad because we don't have anyone else really good to replace him. So he had better play. Let's see I didn't play that great made some stupid passes. But besides that it went allright. So if Will plays we might be okay. If we work hard that is. Besides that and the fact that I'm really bored everything is going good. I got my license and that's about it.
I am a person. But I'm guessing you already knew that. I enjoy serving God, playing Basketball, Listening to music hanging with friends and Hott Khocolate. As far as me goes well. I'm just like a crazy wacko from the mental institute. Also pretend to be a normal guy sometimes. And other times I am B-ball player who get's really intense. But yeah that's about it. Anyways that's me. But I'm not going to tell you the secret part of me so there. HA!